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The Unexpected Health Benefits of Good Posture

The Unexpected Health Benefits of Good Posture
11 January 2017 365 view(s)

The Unexpected Health Benefits of Good Posture

We’re all guilty of slouching every so often, but did you know it doesn’t just cause back pain? There are a whole host of physical and mental symptoms that can be traced back to poor posture. From high blood pressure and constipation to depression! We’ve put together some tips on how you can improve your posture and be healthier, happier and more attractive! backjoy posture plusThe amount of different ways that bad posture can affect your life is pretty amazing. From physical problems to mental and social issues! Among other things, it’s been found to cause and worsen:
  • Back pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Tiredness and muscle fatigue
  • Social problems and lack of confidence
  • Breathing difficulties
  • High blood pressure
  • Constipation
  • Pot bellies and other unattractive features
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Pelvic floor weakness and disorders
Who would’ve thought that slouching could cause such havoc? Luckily, while bad posture is an easy habit to slip into there are many ways you can improve it.

Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Posture


Ensuring that you’re in generally good physical shape will make it much easier for your body to support itself properly. Your core muscles are the group of muscles in your torso that include your abdominals and lower back. As these connect your spine and pelvis, they are a key part in maintaining good posture. When they are strong you will find that you stand and sit in an upright position without even thinking about it.  If you’re looking to focus entirely on your core muscles, then floor exercises like crunches and planks will do the job very efficiently. More general activities like running and swimming will strengthen your core muscles while giving you a great workout!

Yoga and Stretching

Yoga teachers are often admired for their long, lean physiques and perfect posture. This is because all that stretching and attention to the body keeps it in perfect alignment. It also strengthens the core muscles and encourages practitioners to think about the way they stand and sit. Take just 5 minutes in the morning to do a couple of posture-enhancing poses like cobra or bridge. These poses will open your chest and shoulders, relieve pressure in your back and lengthen your spine. Yoga creates the foundation for excellent posture that will stay with you all day! fitness goals

Posture Cushions

We spend an awful amount of time sitting down, which is terrible for posture. Even chairs that are designed to encourage you to sit correctly are not always a good fit for your body. Sitting on a wedge cushion allows you to customise any chair to your body’s unique proportions. Good sitting posture makes sure you're always comfortable and protected against back and neck problems. StressNoMore has a huge range of pressure cushions so there’s something for everyone!

Check Your Work Space

If you work at a desk all day then you probably suffer from back or neck pain. Even with the best of intentions it’s easy to fall into bad habits when you're concentrating as you end up slouching without noticing. Make sure your chair has arm rests and is adjusted correctly for your height and lower back. Your feet should be flat on the floor in front of you and your arms should be at 90 degree angles. Another good tip is to make sure you're getting up from your desk every half an hour or so. Even if it’s just to go to the printer! This will help you to avoid stiffness in your muscles and joints.

Choose a ‘Straighten Up’ Cue

While you’re still getting the hang of maintaining good posture, decide on a prompt that will remind you to straighten up during the day. This could be a reminder on your phone that goes off every 30 minutes. Or you can link it to other things that you do regularly. For example every time you get up or sit down, think about your posture. This is a way of forming habits that’s hugely effective, as by joining up new and old habits your brain gets ‘tricked’ into adjusting more quickly.

sidesleeperTop 5 StressNoMore Posture Boosters

BackJoy SitSmart Posture Plus

For a little extra support on any chair, try the BackJoy SitSmart Posture Plus. This comfy seat promotes proper movement, dynamic support and optimal posture. Experts agree that the best way to prevent back pain is to practice 'active sitting', and BackJoy helps you do this. It tilts your pelvis into the perfect position, activates your core muscles and frees your tailbone from pressure. You can take it everywhere you go and never be uncomfortable again!

Arched Back Stretcher

Long term bad posture makes your body slouch as your spine contracts and becomes pressed together. This makes stretching exercises painful as the muscles in your back are so unused to being used. Kick-start your way to better posture by lying on this Arched Back Stretcher for a few minutes a day. It feels amazing as it gently stretches out your back and relieves the built up tightness and tension in your spine. It will gradually realign your back to the correct position, making it much easier to stand up straight.

Magnetic Posture Corrector

If you need extra support during the day while you sort out your posture, this posture corrector is a comfortable and soothing way to get it. It will reduce pain and realign your body. When worn around your torso it gently encourages you to stay standing and sitting straight without causing strain. It supports your spine while your core muscles are getting stronger. This posture corrective brace also features magnets along the back so you can treat pain and increase circulation with magnetic therapy.

Weelko Organic Saddle Stool

Traditional office chairs are very hard on your body, even when adjusted correctly. If you're struggling to sit in a way that's both comfortable and good for your back, consider switching to a saddle stool. These stools have a similar design to the saddle you would use on a horse. This makes them an excellent tool for improving posture as they force you to sit correctly but comfortably while helping you to build core strength. You've probably noticed that horse riders always have amazing posture! The Weelko Organic Saddle Stool is adjustable and nicely padded with wheels so it’s perfect for the office.

Natural Health Supports Side Sleeper Pillow

You’ve sorted your standing and sitting posture, but what about when you’re asleep? Waking up with a stiff neck and back is all too common as it’s so easy to twist and turn your way into a myriad of awkward positions while you’re sleeping. The Side Sleeper Pillow prevents this by supporting your spine and cradling you in the ideal sleeping position. You’ll be amazed at how much better you sleep on a posture cushion!

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