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How Could a Vaginal Splinting Device Help?

Could a Vaginal Splinting Device Be the Answer You Are Looking For?

You may not have heard of splinting, you may not even know you need to try it, but if you are one of the unfortunate 10% of women in the UK suffering from rectocele then read on and let’s lift the lid on this uncomfortable condition.

Poo. Ladies simply do not like to talk about it. It’s embarrassing, taboo and to some, a totally inappropriate topic of conversation. If there’s an issue surrounding their toilet experiences many women keep it to themselves and try to manage it privately, but what happens when this becomes impossible and the problem starts to have a detrimental effect on every aspect of your life?

How Can a Vaginal Splinting Device Help/Relieve Rectocele Symptoms?

Inserted into the vagina, a vaginal splinting device works by simply pushing the rectocele back into the anus and effectively realigning the rectum to allow stools to pass through and out of the anus. Many women resort to using their finger, but this isn’t the most hygienic solution (particularly for ladies who are still menstruating), and many women feel slightly undignified having to do this. Having to stretch and reach around your undercarriage to gain relief can be a real physical strain; the use of a vaginal splinting device to realign the anal canal eliminates these issues and can give you hygienic and comfortable relief on the toilet.  

What are The Benefits of Using a Vaginal Splinting Device?

Women who have tried splinting using a similar device have remarked that it has been ‘life saving’ and ‘changed their life’, but we wanted to create a product far superior to others on the market today. Using our in-house research, Stress No More have developed a new, environmentally friendly vaginal splinting device created from stainless steel; the benefits of using this device over plastic are many.

  • Durability: The Stress No More Vaginal Splinting Device is extremely durable and guaranteed to last you a lifetime
  • Hygiene: You can clean your device using high temperature water with no damage what-so-ever to its shape or the smoothness of its surface
  • Resistance: You are not restricted on which lubricant you can use, as the stainless-steel material is non-permeable and completely safe for use with oil or water-based lubricants of your choice
  • Comfort: The smooth, curved edges mean this device will ease into the vagina comfortably with no unexpected sharp edges causing pain
  • Solid: The extremely strong steel will not bend or move unexpectedly when you have inserted it into a comfortable position
  • Eco-Friendly: The impact of plastic on the environment is immeasurable, stainless steel is 100% recyclable making this device a friend to you, and to the planet

 What is a Rectocele?

This may be the first time you’ve heard the term rectocele, because it’s an issue that women avoid discussing. However, NHS studies have detected that 10% of women have a prolapse that causes them issues, so you certainly won’t be the only person reading this blog and going ‘that’s me!’.

Rectocele is a condition whereby the front wall of the anus bulges into the back wall of the vagina. This is not just uncomfortable, it also prevents the sufferer from having complete bowel movements, leaving them with a feeling of discomfort and still needing to ‘go’. It’s not just uncomfortable, you can end up with toxic faecal matter stuck in your anus which is detrimental to your health. Ladies listen up; you simply should not be suffering in this way, and in this day and age there is no good reason to just ‘put up with it’!

What Causes a Rectocele and Why Has This Happened to Me?

If you are suffering from a prolapse, you may find yourself asking these questions a lot. Prolapse can leave you feeling isolated, alone, unattractive, sexually frustrated, distant from your partner…the list goes on. But why does it happen, and more importantly what can be done to help you?

Well, firstly it is very common (1 in 3 women suffer some form of pelvic floor disorder), you are not alone and there is so much help available to you. And NO, surgery is absolutely not the only answer! Simply put, prolapse occurs due to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, strengthening these muscles can prevent and even reverse prolapse. You can do manual exercises - I.e. pretending to stop a flow of urine by tightening the pelvic floor – but they stimulate only the superficial muscles. To stimulate the deep and very important pelvic floor muscles, you should be using a device such as an electronic pelvic floor exercise toner. Whilst you work towards strengthening your pelvic floor, the use of a vaginal splinting device can give you the relief you need whilst on the toilet.

So, ladies, don’t suffer in silence any longer. It’s time to take control and get your life back!

Start strengthening that pelvic floor with a pelvic floor exerciser and whilst you build up your internal muscles get discreet, hygienic and dignified help in the bathroom from the Stress No More Vaginal Splinting Device.



[1] http://www.cmft.nhs.uk/media/1248229/14%20116%20anterior%20rectocele.pdf

[2] https://www.rcog.org.uk/globalassets/documents/patients/patient-information-leaflets/gynaecology/pi-pelvic-organ-prolapse.pdf

[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3MJzovRh0w