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Vibrators & Pregnancy | The Benefits of Being Intimate

Many women are unsure about the dos and don'ts of sex and intimacy during pregnancy, particularly when using vibrators. It's really important for our mental and physical wellbeing to keep sexually active whilst pregnant, so it's about time we read up on the facts and made it clear that it is perfectly safe to use vibrators during pregnancy.

As you may know, sex can relieve stress and improve our mood. This is because it releases a little hormone called Oxytocin which alleviates pain and anxiety and makes us bond with others. That's why our emotions are elevated after being intimate with someone, and we feel even closer and more connected to them than we did before.

That's why a good sex life is an important aspect of a good relationship, but pregnancy can often get in the way of intimacy for a number of reasons. Firstly, our hormones are all over the place which can cause mood swings, meaning that we're not always in the mood for sex. Secondly, our bodies change so dramatically through pregnancy that we may not really feel like ourselves, or feel that our partners find us attractive. And thirdly, vaginal sensation often changes and makes our bodies feel strange and unfamiliar, which can affect our confidence or enjoyment in the bedroom.

You can push past all these issues and enjoy sex and vibrators throughout your pregnancy; you simply have to tweak and tailor your intimate moments to suit your body.

Can I Use a Penetrative Vibrator?

Yes, if you are able to have full penetrative sex you can use internal vibrators. Usually a GP or midwife will advise a woman not to have sex if there is a specific medical problem, for example if they have a vaginal infection, if they had a weak cervix during a previous pregnancy, or if they have placenta previa, a low-lying placenta.

Unless any of these problems have been identified penetrative sex and vibrators should be completely safe for you and your baby, but if you are at all unsure have a chat to your GP about your concerns.

The most important thing to remember is that your vibrator needs to be as clean as possible to prevent infection in the cervix which could, if left untreated, harm you or your baby. Always clean your vibrator in warm, soapy water or a specially formulated antibacterial cleanser before and after each use, and store it in a clean place too.

One thing to bear in mind is that a vibrator is far more rigid than a penis, so be aware of this and take it slow so as not to cause yourself any pain at a time when your genitals are even more sensitive than usual. You may wish to choose a vibrator with a gentle curve that suits your body's natural shape and allows for both internal and external stimulation so you can gradually work your way up to full insertion.

Will I Bleed?

A small amount of bleeding after penetration is perfectly normal, since the cervix can be a little irritated, so don't be too concerned. It may be useful to mention this to your GP or midwife and discuss what amount of blood is normal for your own peace of mind.

A large amount of bleeding after penetration could mean you have a complication such as placenta previa. There's no need to panic as it probably isn't something that will seriously affect your baby, but it's always worth checking with your GP.

What About External Massage?

Although it is completely safe, some women simply do not feel like having penetrative sex or stimulation, perhaps because it is uncomfortable or their usual sensations have changed. That doesn't mean that they can't be intimate with their partner; they can simply focus on clitoral stimulation instead, which is often best achieved by a vibrator or body massager.

Won't I Go Into Early Labour?

You may have heard that having sex can lead to labour. In the past it was believed that the uterine contractions caused by orgasms made women go into labour, which is perhaps why many women are worried about having sex during pregnancy.

We know now that this isn't true. Some pregnant women who are overdue and very uncomfortable are advised to have sex to get things moving, but there's no scientific evidence to proove that this really works. You can continue having sex for as long as you want to without worrying that you will trigger premature labour. However once your waters are broken do not have sex or use a vibrator as there is a risk of infection.

Go For It!

During pregnancy our genitals become even more sensitive than normal so that every feeling is heightened and orgasm can be more intense; so make the most of it! Explore your body and let your partner explore it too; enjoy the time you have to yourself before your little one makes its big entrance.