Massage Away Scar-Damaged Skin with ScarGone®
Count yourself lucky if you're not bearing at least one scar. For the most of us, whether it was a burn, surgery, insect bite, acne, C-surgery or something else, we've got scars to show. But you don't have to put up with their unpleasant appearance and texture...
Introducing the ScarGone® Scar Management Massager - the latest in skin repair technology that uses massage therapy to reduce scar tissue, diminish the appearance of scars and promote healing. This revolutionary tool vibrates at 5,500 cycles per minute to help restore motion, strength and mobility to injured tissue, as well as improving the tone and texture of both new and old scars.
Scar massage therapy is recognised by health organisations and professionals worldwide to address scar tissue early in its development and to minimise any possible preceding secondary scar tissue issues.
Which Type of Scars Does ScarGone® Work On?
ScarGone™'s innovative massage therapy device works on all scars to stimulate cell renewal, reduce redness, and improve the overall texture of your skin.
Keloid scars - ScarGone Scar Management Massager helps to soften and flatten raised scar tissue. By keeping the tissue flexible, the scar is prevented from adhering to underlying muscles, tendons, blood vessels, nerves and bones. These types of scars include those caused by acne.
Hypertrophic scars - The most common form of scar tissue. Massage therapy can help to increase blood flow to the area and speed up the healing time.
Contracture (burn) scars - Once the burn scar has matured, using the ScarGone™ Scar Management Massager is effective for maintaining mobility and faster healing.
A scar's healing progress consists of two phases - immature and mature. ScarGone™ Scar Management Massager works to improve and repair both new and old scars.
Immature - As soon as the wound heals, your scar is immature. Typically, scars may become painful, itchy or sensitive during this period as nerve endings begin to heal. Exercise, massage and heat therapy are the most effective on immature scars.
Mature - When scar tissue is no longer being produced, the scar is mature. This typically occurs 3-18 months after wound healing. Improving the tone and texture of this scar tissue may take a more disciplined and patient approach.
Specially-Targeted Massage Therapy for Multi-Use
The ScarGone™ Management Massager comes with three unique massage heads.
Flat Head - To relax the scar tissue
Cone Head - To relieve tightness and pain
Domed Head - To stimulate cell repair
You can also keep the protective lid of your ScarGone™ Scar Management Massager on to treat larger areas of skin.