Incontinence is defined as inconvenient inability to control the bladder or bowl meaning you accidently lose urine or faeces. As well as being inconvenient, it is also embarrassing and distressing. It’s a common condition but that doesn’t mean you need to just accept it, adverts on the TV may make light of ‘laughter leaks’ but if you suffer from them you will know they are no laughing matter. There are a number of things that can cause incontinence such as weak pelvic floor muscles, nerve damage, an overactive bladder, and an enlarged prostate in men. We understand that you if you suffer from incontinence then you will need a solution that works instantly, we have found discrete solutions that will give you instant protection from any incontinence. We have also sourced products that help address incontinence at the source. From the UK’s leading pelvic experts Kegel8, we have pelvic exercisers to improve the strength of your pelvic floor for long term protection against incontinence. We also have expertly chosen supplements to protect your bladder and bowel from within. Everything you need to have confidence that leaks are thing of the past is available at StressNoMore.
Incontinence Pads Incontinence Clamps Disposable Incontinence Underwear