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6 Ways to Avoid Dangerous Low Blood Pressure Symptoms

The average blood pressure range is between 90/60 and 140/90. Your blood pressure indicates how easily blood is able to get around your body. The dangers of high blood pressure are well known – heart attacks and strokes are all far more likely is your blood pressure is high.

So what about low blood pressure? While low blood pressure is rarely fatal, it can cause your life to be limited by symptoms like dizziness and fainting. Achieving normal blood pressure will help you to make your life much easier and stress free. What causes low blood pressure? There are a number of factors. We’ve got 6 great ideas on how you can avoid the irritating symptoms of hypotension.

Eat more salt

Salt has a pretty bad rep, and with good reason – it can cause all sorts of problems for your heart and body. However, you do need some salt to function properly as it is responsible for balancing your body’s fluid levels. A good intake to aim for is around 1 teaspoon per day, but be aware! Most food already has salt in it, so you should only increase by a little bit. Try having some salted butter on toast in the morning for a blood pressure boost first thing.

Eat more, smaller meals

Large meals cause your blood to rush towards your digestive system to help your body to digest. This can cause a condition called postprandial hypotension, when your blood pressure drops within an hour of eating. If you have noticed that your symptoms are worse after you eat, try eating smaller meals throughout the day rather than three big ones. Healthy snacks between meals will also help to regulate your blood pressure by giving you a constant supply of energy. You can also try having a cup of coffee or tea after a big meal to temporarily raise low blood pressure and reverse dizzy symptoms.

Stand up slowly

This may seem like common sense, but if you feel dizzy then move more slowly! Particularly when you first get up – try sitting up in bed for a minute or so before you stand up. By doing this every day you will allow your body to get used to the experience of standing. This will reduce your symptoms and lessen your dizziness and risk of fainting. Another good tip is not to stand in the same place for too long, as this allows blood to pool. Make sure you move your legs and reposition yourself every so often to avoid this. It’s also a good idea to exercise regularly as endurance sports such as running teach your body to regulate your blood pressure. If you find exercise a chore, why not read our blog: 

Try compression stockings

Compression stocking can help you to avoid getting dizzy as they stop the blood from rushing to your feet when you stand up. Compression improves your circulation and boosts blood flow. Your body will direct more blood towards your heart and lungs, rather than letting it pool in your legs. This is key in preventing fainting spells. Low compression is all you need; for example, Zipper Compression Socks. Solidea are Italian experts in compression, with over 40 years of scientific research being them. By adding a pair of their socks to your wardrobe you will help your body to achieve a safer, more regular blood pressure level.

Drink more water

Dehydration often causes blood pressure to become low. When your body doesn’t have enough fluid in it the volume of your blood goes down. This makes it harder for your body to circulate your blood properly. By drinking enough, you can ensure that there’s plenty of blood for your body to use, increasing the pressure as it’s pumped round. Try to drink water regularly throughout the day, particularly if you are feeling a bit weak or tired. Avoid drinking too much coffee or tea as caffeine is dehydrating.

Monitor your low blood pressure

Making sure that you’re within a healthy blood pressure range is much easier if you regularly check yourself with a blood pressure monitor. By strapping one of these handy devices onto your arm or wrist you can get accurate blood pressure readings in seconds. Two of our top sellers are theBeurer BM54 Bluetooth Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor and the Beurer BM27 Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor. They operate with a single button and feature huge LCD screens that give you your measurement at a glance. Their colour coded World Health Organisation indicators show you immediately whether you are within a healthy range on the official blood pressure chart.