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Another Reason To Quit Smoking: Freedom From Pelvic Problems!

There are very few things you can do that are worse for your health than smoking. From bad breath, all the way to lung cancer, there are no positives! One negative effect many people don't know about is the increased chance of pelvic floor disorders. Every time you cough your pelvic floor is put under stress; a common and chronic smoker's cough can eventually lead to incontinence and prolapse! Read on for some useful and easy to follow tips to help you quit.

10 Reasons to Quit Smoking

Here are some more benefits of stopping smoking:

  1. Your lung capacity will improve by 10%, making breathing and exercising easier
  2. Increased blood circulation will give you an energy boost improving your all-round mood
  3. Smoking only feels like it ‘relieves’ stress because it’s relieving nicotine withdrawal; non-smokers are actually less stressed in comparison to smokers
  4. Better blood flow means better sex!
  5. Your fertility is damaged by smoking; quitting increases the chances of conceiving
  6. Taste and smell improve, meaning that you can enjoy food much more
  7. You skin will look better; smoking prematurely ages the skin
  8. No more stained teeth and smelly breath!
  9. If you quit by 30 and you can add 10 years to your life; by 60 and you'll add 3 years
  10. Protect the rest of your family as well; children in smoking homes have increased risk of illness and cancer

 5 Top Tips for Quitting Smoking

  1. Set yourself a date to stop by and stick to it
  2. Change your routines to avoid triggers
  3. Visiting your local stop smoking service can increase your chances of stopping by 400%
  4. Make a list of the reasons that made you want to quit and look at it when you’re having cravings
  5. Exercise just for a few minutes creates anti-craving chemicals in your brain

Get Your Strong Pelvic Floor Back with Kegel8

So you’ve decided to quit smoking but what else can you do to reverse the damage you’ve done to your pelvic floor? A Kegel8 Ultra 20 Electronic Pelvic Toner will help you get back on track in 12 weeks or less! Kegels are the best way to strengthen your pelvic floor and free yourself from incontinence. A Kegel8 Ultra 20 will make your Kegels 50% more effective, ensuring that your recovery from pelvic problems is quick and easy and help reverse the negative effects of smoking with Kegel8! Save Save