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SELFCheck Iron Level Test
SELFCheck Iron Level Test
SELFCheck Iron Level Test 1
SELFCheck Iron Level Test
SELFCheck Iron Level Test
SELFCheck Iron Level Test 1
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SELFCheck Iron Level Test

  • Simple finger-prick blood spot home test to check iron levels – reliable results in just 10 minutes
  • Measures biomarkers in the blood, such as ferritin, to more accurately measure iron – low ferratin means low iron
  • One line indicates ferritin concentration in the blood is lower than 20ng/mL and you could have an iron deficiency
  • Contains everything needed for test, including test device, pipette, desiccant pouch, diluent, 2 x sterile lancets & detailed instructions
  • Optimum iron level is vital to ensure the body functions as it should, producing healthy blood cells to transport oxygen where it is needed – discuss low iron results with your doctor
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Product Description

A simple, yet incredibly reliable way to check your iron levels in the comfort of your own home!

That’s right, no more uncomfortable waiting at the doctor’s office or long delays getting your results, this easy finger-prick blood spot test will determine whether you have iron deficiency anaemia in just 10 minutes.

Maintaining healthy levels of iron within the body is vital to ensure if functions exactly as it should. Indeed, low iron levels mean low oxygen levels because the body is unable to produce enough healthy red blood cells to transport it. This can not only lead to fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath, it means that our muscles may struggle to perform normal activities, including something as simple as walking. Iron is also involved in converting blood glucose to energy and even helps to support the immune system and cognitive development. In addition, the production of enzymes is dependent on iron too, which is particularly important as enzymes are essential in the production of hormones, amino acids, and various neurotransmitters. Other symptoms of iron deficient anaemia include headaches, palpitations and even hair loss.

Who is at risk of developing low iron levels?

  • Women – menstruation affects our iron level, and it will be significantly lower for those that experience particularly heavy bleeding. In addition, pregnant women are at risk of iron deficient anaemia because they require twice as much iron to support their growing baby. Even menopause is thought to impact iron level! So, women of all ages really need to be aware of the importance of monitoring and maintaining a healthy iron level.
  • People with Chron’s – people with Chron’s are at greater risk of developing low iron levels as the body may struggle to absorb it. Indeed, it is estimated that 60-80% of people with Chron’s are iron deficient.
  • Vegans and vegetarians – of course, it is possible to maintain iron levels as a vegan/vegetarian by enjoying a balanced diet that includes pulses, nuts, vegetables and legumes; however, those not including these in their diets are at a greater risk of developing iron deficient anaemia.

How does the SELFCheck Iron Level Test work?

Unlike a full blood count (FBA) that will typically be requested by your doctor, the SELFCheck Iron Level Test works by measuring specific biomarkers in your blood, such as ferritin, which will more accurately measure your iron level specifically. Ferritin is a protein that helps to store iron in the cells of your body, so a low level of it typically indicates a low level of stored iron. It is a simple, painless finger prick blood test that boasts 98% accuracy. Only one line visible in your test result (next to the C mark) means that the ferritin concentration in your blood is lower than 20ng/mL and you could have an iron deficiency. The test can be used at any time of the day but must not be performed if you are ill, suffering from acute inflammation or a spleen or liver injury.

The test kit contains:

  • 1 test device, 1 plastic pipette and 1 desiccant pouch
  • 1 small bottle containing 1ml of diluent
  • 2 sterile lancets to obtain a blood sample
  • 1 instruction leaflet

What to do if your test records low iron levels

Often simple diet changes or taking a supplement is recommended; however, it is important that you book an appointment with your doctor so that you can discuss your result and determine whether any additional tests are required.

Features & Specifications

Contents1 test device, 1 plastic pipette, 1 desiccant pouch, 1 small bottle containing 1ml of diluent, 2 sterile lancets to obtain a blood sample & 1 instruction leaflet


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A simple, yet incredibly reliable way to check your iron levels in the comfort of your own home!

That’s right, no more uncomfortable waiting at the doctor’s office or long delays getting your results, this easy finger-prick blood spot test will determine whether you have iron deficiency anaemia in just 10 minutes.

Maintaining healthy levels of iron within the body is vital to ensure if functions exactly as it should. Indeed, low iron levels mean low oxygen levels because the body is unable to produce enough healthy red blood cells to transport it. This can not only lead to fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath, it means that our muscles may struggle to perform normal activities, including something as simple as walking. Iron is also involved in converting blood glucose to energy and even helps to support the immune system and cognitive development. In addition, the production of enzymes is dependent on iron too, which is particularly important as enzymes are essential in the production of hormones, amino acids, and various neurotransmitters. Other symptoms of iron deficient anaemia include headaches, palpitations and even hair loss.

Who is at risk of developing low iron levels?

  • Women – menstruation affects our iron level, and it will be significantly lower for those that experience particularly heavy bleeding. In addition, pregnant women are at risk of iron deficient anaemia because they require twice as much iron to support their growing baby. Even menopause is thought to impact iron level! So, women of all ages really need to be aware of the importance of monitoring and maintaining a healthy iron level.
  • People with Chron’s – people with Chron’s are at greater risk of developing low iron levels as the body may struggle to absorb it. Indeed, it is estimated that 60-80% of people with Chron’s are iron deficient.
  • Vegans and vegetarians – of course, it is possible to maintain iron levels as a vegan/vegetarian by enjoying a balanced diet that includes pulses, nuts, vegetables and legumes; however, those not including these in their diets are at a greater risk of developing iron deficient anaemia.

How does the SELFCheck Iron Level Test work?

Unlike a full blood count (FBA) that will typically be requested by your doctor, the SELFCheck Iron Level Test works by measuring specific biomarkers in your blood, such as ferritin, which will more accurately measure your iron level specifically. Ferritin is a protein that helps to store iron in the cells of your body, so a low level of it typically indicates a low level of stored iron. It is a simple, painless finger prick blood test that boasts 98% accuracy. Only one line visible in your test result (next to the C mark) means that the ferritin concentration in your blood is lower than 20ng/mL and you could have an iron deficiency. The test can be used at any time of the day but must not be performed if you are ill, suffering from acute inflammation or a spleen or liver injury.

The test kit contains:

  • 1 test device, 1 plastic pipette and 1 desiccant pouch
  • 1 small bottle containing 1ml of diluent
  • 2 sterile lancets to obtain a blood sample
  • 1 instruction leaflet

What to do if your test records low iron levels

Often simple diet changes or taking a supplement is recommended; however, it is important that you book an appointment with your doctor so that you can discuss your result and determine whether any additional tests are required.

Contents1 test device, 1 plastic pipette, 1 desiccant pouch, 1 small bottle containing 1ml of diluent, 2 sterile lancets to obtain a blood sample & 1 instruction leaflet