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Osalis Wake Up Light SAD Lamp 10,000 Lux

  • Modern wake up light for brighter mornings, simulating a real sunrise waking you up gently
  • Simulates sunrise at a time set on the alarm clock by you so you can gently wake up to a “natural” sunrise
  • 10,000 LUX illumination intensity effectively replicates sunlight
  • Easy-dimmable brightness setting with timer functions which means you can accurately treat yourself with light therapy
  • Ergonomically designed & easy to operate
£49.99 GBP
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Product Description

Simulate a sunrise so you can wake up naturally at your desired time

1 in 5 of us experience a dip in mood and energy during the winter months. And for those of us who are not exposed to much sunlight throughout the rest of the year, the toll taken can be even worse.

Bright light therapy works by exposing your eyes to the level of light that it would see on a bright summer’s day. This is measured in something called lux – winter daylight is generally less than 2500 lux, whereas in summer this is at least 10,000. This SAD light gives off an amazing 10,000 lux, making it perfect for treating SAD. If you work shifts and find that your body clock has become out of sync, using your SAD Light in the morning may also help your body to readjust and feel more awake during the day.

Struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Simulating a natural sunrise could be your answer! The natural sunrise alarm setting sets the SAD light to activate 30 minutes before your alarm goes off. This clever machine increases the light over that half an hour period so your subconscious brain begins to respond naturally to the ‘sunrise’ and prepare for waking. The sunrise function ensures that when your alarm goes off, you are already in a semi-conscious state and wake feeling refreshed. By using LED luminescence technology, this ensures you are never dazzled by the lights, the soft uniform lamps work in unison to create a soft, glowing effect.

Features & Specifications

Recommend ForSAD therapy light
MaterialABS Plastic
CertificationCE ISO
Warranty1 Year


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Simulate a sunrise so you can wake up naturally at your desired time

1 in 5 of us experience a dip in mood and energy during the winter months. And for those of us who are not exposed to much sunlight throughout the rest of the year, the toll taken can be even worse.

Bright light therapy works by exposing your eyes to the level of light that it would see on a bright summer’s day. This is measured in something called lux – winter daylight is generally less than 2500 lux, whereas in summer this is at least 10,000. This SAD light gives off an amazing 10,000 lux, making it perfect for treating SAD. If you work shifts and find that your body clock has become out of sync, using your SAD Light in the morning may also help your body to readjust and feel more awake during the day.

Struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Simulating a natural sunrise could be your answer! The natural sunrise alarm setting sets the SAD light to activate 30 minutes before your alarm goes off. This clever machine increases the light over that half an hour period so your subconscious brain begins to respond naturally to the ‘sunrise’ and prepare for waking. The sunrise function ensures that when your alarm goes off, you are already in a semi-conscious state and wake feeling refreshed. By using LED luminescence technology, this ensures you are never dazzled by the lights, the soft uniform lamps work in unison to create a soft, glowing effect.

Recommend ForSAD therapy light
MaterialABS Plastic
CertificationCE ISO
Warranty1 Year