Improve the Water Quality in your Garden Water Butt
Storing and using rain water and other waste water from your household is a fantastic way to reduce your eco footprint and save yourself money on your water bill. How do you keep all that stored up water from becoming stagnant and infested with algae or insect eggs though? The only way to keep that water clean and cleansed of impurities is to treat it with a specially formulated solution like Professional Strength Garden Water Butt Cleaner.
Eliminate Algae and Insect Eggs from Your Water Butt
This non-toxic water tank cleaner is safe for use near children, pets and wildlife whilst also being strong enough to eliminate harmful bacteria, algae and even insect eggs (such as mosquitos) from your collected rain water.
This powerful cleaner is effective on grey water and rainwater, ensuring your washing machine, dishwasher and bath and shower water is a suitably cleansed and healthy option for watering your plants and cleaning your car.
To use, simply mix with the water in your water butt. You should use the ratio of 50mls cleaner to every 100 litres of water.
Professional Strength is the strong but safe specialist cleaning system that the professionals don’t want you to know about because they’ll be out of a job, get yours today!